2009 Update from Kenneth Oshita, our 2008 Scholarship Recipient
Dear PBKACA Members,
Now that I have a year at the University of Chicago under my belt, having experienced all of the stresses of being in college for the first time and having enjoyed my first small taste of independence, my appreciation for your scholarship has done nothing but grown. Last year, I was only just happy to be at school, eager to soak in all of the new experiences and opportunities before me, and grateful for your scholarship for making my college career possible. This year, however, having worked most of my angst and awe out of my system, I face my education and my life with a newfound sense of maturity and determination. I only have three short years left at this school, and I want to take full advantage of them. This isn’t just a time to have fun and explore the far reaches of my interests; it is a time to pursue my passions and become the person that I want to be. So, I see your scholarship not only in the context my being at college, but, more importantly, in the master plan that is my life. Your help impacts me now and will continue to impact me for all the years to come. I truly appreciate it, and I understand this more clearly now.
The fall quarter has been going wonderfully! Only a month into the grind of things, I’m still reacquainting myself with everything that I love about this school. The beautiful neo-gothic buildings and ivy colored walls, my quirky friends and professors, rowing on the Chicago River, the Thai place on 55th, the classes, the work, even the squirrels. At the same time, I’m finding new things here to explore, most especially when it comes to my studies. At the beginning of my first year, I was so sure that my future lied in the hard sciences. But, now, I’ve come to realize that my passions may lie elsewhere. After all, the draw of studying economics at the University of Chicago is quite strong.
It’s an exciting time for me, and I can’t wait to see where my pursuits take me. Thank you so much, again, for everything. I’m quite happy that I can share my experiences with you.
Kenneth Oshita
University of Chicago, Class of 2012