Young Professionals
While the broadmindedness of Phi Beta Kappans can bridge across the potential obstacles of generation gaps, those social animal instincts we all have ingrained into our psyches can make “birds of a feather want to flock together.”
Accordingly, particularly for the newest members to our community of scholars, those persons within about the first decade or so (but we’re not counting too closely!) after their college years, we organize targeted activities. See all upcoming events »
“You Pick Dinners”
Are you interested in trying new restaurants in Chicago alongside other PBKACA young professionals? Join the us as we introduce a new dinner series entitled, “Young Professionals You Pick Dinners,” which will give all young professionals the opportunity to be part of the monthly event planning.
Every month, we will send an announcement, encouraging young professionals to recommend restaurants that they would like to experience. As soon as a pool of responses has been received, we will select one of those restaurants as our designated dining spot and will e-mail the details. All restaurant selections should have a moderately priced menu.
We hope to see you at the next Young Professionals You Pick Dinner!
Send your suggestions to Benton Turner at
Join PBK Chicago
Make the most of the honor you received when you were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. Join PBK Chicago »