PBKACA relies on our volunteers — who serve on our board, sit on a committee, or just spend a few hours on a PBKACA project — to make us a successful association. Contact President John Ashton to learn more.
With our many committees and activities, there are many ways to get involved and help further PBKACA’s mission. Contact the following committee chairs to learn more about each committee.
- College Chapter liaison: Katy Reedy
- Communications: John Hartigan
- Fundraising: Interested in volunteering for this committee? Contact President John Ashton
- Membership: Brian Levitsky
- Program:
- Scholarship: Emelda Estell
- Travel and Special Events:
- Young Professionals:
- Website and Digital Marketing: John Hartigan
2020 PBKACA Organizational Chart
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Make the most of the honor you received when you were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. Join PBK Chicago »